Tiffany Bouelle - Josefina #33

Tiffany Bouelle - Josefina #33

Inspired and encouraged by her family environment and the two cultures in which she has always been immersed, Tiffany Bouelle is a talented Franco-Japanese artist who manages, through her abstract, minimalist and full of movement works, to arouse emotions and transmit a message. to those who view them. Creative and passionate, this versatile artist who draws inspiration from her travels, her life, her loves and her encounters, has had the opportunity to exhibit her works in Paris, London, Tokyo, Hong Kong and Florence. Mother of little Raphaël, Tiffany is our Josefina of the month for November.

Tiffany, you paint, sculpt, write, you are a true artist, can you tell us about your background?

I left at seventeen years old from my parents and as I was a minor they told me that it was my choice and that they would not support me in this early initiative. I started doing lots of jobs like DJ at night, stylist assistant on Saturdays, pastry chef on Sundays (I'll spare you all the jobs because I've had a lot of them) to pay my rent and eat my fill while ensuring my fashion studies at Duperré. My friends laughed at all of my jobs and told me I could pull out a nonsensical book on odd jobs to earn a living. This intense rhythm taught me how to survive in a capital city and the diversity of professions that I tackled during this period allowed me to develop my creativity three times faster than my school career. You see , being hungry is very motivating because you have no choice. You have to do and then that's it. In short, five years ago I was working as a stylist at Hermès after having assisted for several years and I made hit by a car one morning when I was going to the studio. Arriving at the hospital, the nurse told me that the same morning, a gentleman had died instantly from the same accident. The miracle was that I didn't break anything but I limped all summer and I was psychologically in pieces. I hate feeling weak. I then decided that the small jobs that follow one another were no longer possible. That the galley was over and I gave it my all. Absolutely everything in investment on my first passion, drawing and painting. I didn't see my friends a lot, I changed circles and I took my life back and here we are in an interview :)

How would you describe your universe? Are you influenced by your Franco-Japanese origins?

Obviously, I bathe in it daily. I feel like I have two personalities because my two cultures are so opposite in their codes, their policies, their courtesies.

Artistically it's bipolar but I love it and I embrace it as much as possible to transmit it in one country as in the other. I have long wanted to be from only one country, because the clash of cultures is difficult to understand in order to get to know each other better and then over time it has become a strength.

Where do you find your inspiration?

My life, my loves, my travels, my encounters.

How would you define your style? Do you have any fashion advice for pregnant women?

I changed my style during my pregnancy because my wardrobe no longer suited me.

I was lucky because I gained very little weight and my skin didn't have any scars, so I showed my body a lot and exposed my stomach publicly. I was so proud to be two! I don't have any advice to give on how to dress pregnant, I think you just have to listen to your body and do things the way you want to feel good and that your baby feels it.

How did you take care of yourself during your pregnancy (nutrition, sport, etc.)?

I ate as usual and didn't exercise once. I didn't feel fit enough to move around, so I walked a little daily, I traveled to Japan in the sixth month. My sport is to feed my mind.

I decided not to put any pressure on myself and to love life. I like healthy things naturally, so it was easy.

Which Josefina did you choose? For what reasons ?

Certainly the most classic to go with everything and never get tired of it. I want to pass it on to my son later as a weekend bag since I chose to put his initials on it.

What's in your Josefina?

My Josefina mainly contains my son's things but it has also become my handbag at the same time. You can find everything there: scented bags to the delight of people attending a diaper change, nappies of all colors, a collection of pacifiers and very often sweets; just to reboost me when it suits me.

Can you tell us about your favorite places to go out in Paris?

I like to eat more than anything : the Square Trousseau bistro, Chez Georges, Bleu Bao, Aki boulangerie, Carré, Forest…

Who are your fashion icons?

Georgia O'K eeffe, Yves Saint Laurent, Virgil A bloh.

Who are the people who inspire you as a mother?

All moms and especially single moms.

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