Interior decorator from Madrid, Mafalda Muñoz went to school for interior architecture in Glasgow. After graduation, she started working for Christie's in London and then moved to Paris to work for a renowned French interior design studio. Her passion for art and design lead her to open Machado-Muñoz together with her husband, the first contemporary design and furniture gallery in Madrid. The couple enlists local artists and designers to create limited and unique pieces on a quarterly schedule. Based in Madrid, Mafalda works full-time from her studio Casa Muñoz outfitting local homes and spaces of exquisite modernity and style.
Mafalda is the mother of a one year old Paco and she is the JOSEFINA of our January issue.
When did you decide to open your own art gallery Machado Muñoz and how it all started?
We made the decision before coming back from Paris, where we had been working for a few years. We believed there is a way of understanding design searching for a more direct relationship with art. The gallery is a concept that exists in other countries but is not as developed here in Spain.
Currently working as an interior designer and having your own art gallery, how do you balance your life as a couple with work and your child? Is there a secret?
Gonzalo and I work together and that eases flexibility when it comes to combining family and working life because they become the same thing. It is a bit more difficult when you start working fifteen days after giving birth, but it's just one baby and he is very good, so everything is easier.

Has maternity changed your lifestyle?
It has not changed my life except for the fact that now it is more fun and I am happier.
What do you like the most about being a mom?
I think the best thing of being a mother is the happiness and joy of seeing him grow up, as well as the challenge of passing on the tools so your children can be good and happy people.
How have you managed the changes in your body since the pregnancy and during your pregnancy, what were your favorite styles?
I have handled pregnancy pretty well, my body is used to changing throughout the year since I constantly gain and lose weight. Besides, now I have a third arm to reach everything, which is terrific!
What are your favorite spots you go to in Madrid?
I try not to bring the baby anywhere unless it is strictly necessary. I really like Sala de Despiece, Askuabarra, Chuka Ramen Bar and Horcher.
Tell us how do you spend your holidays and what are your local tips please!
I usually spend my free time in Pedraza, where we have a family house. We go mostly every weekend. In the summer time we have been going to Menorca for a few years, where I enjoy going to the local market, cooking and going to the beach every now and then. We sometimes go out for dinner, and I personally love Cristanal and Gradinata.
What's in your JOSEFINA bag?
My Josefina bag is of course packed with diapers, as well as Sophie la Jirafe, some cookies for Paquito, his passport and my iPad Pro for work.
What moms inspire you? and why?
My mother, without a doubt! Because she has been able to achieve my wanting to raise my children the same way I was raised, and that does not happen often. Also, and mainly, because she is the best grandma in the world.