Mother of four beautiful little girls, Aimee Winchester is the creator of organic cotton classic children's sleepwear line Little Winnie. Aimee's lifestyle is organically simple just like her brand. Living out in beautiful Byron Bay, a beach side town in the south-eastern Australian state of New South Wales, she balances time with her four girls, her husband and of course her label. She is the mother of Coco, Autumn, Juniper and Clementine and she is our JOSEFINA of our August issue.
Being a mum four times, please tell us what do you like the most about being a mother?
Did you always dream of having a big family?
What I love the most about being a mother is the constant love and joy I feel each and everyday, even amongst the craziness there is just such a warm and fuzzy feeling being part of a big family. I always new I wanted a lot of children, I was very maternal from a young age, I remember being a young girl and dreaming of what it would be like to be a mother someday to a big family!
How do you manage to balance motherhood with work, your couple and social life?
My children will always come first and I like to be truly present for them when we are together, so I try and separate the two as much as I can. However in saying that, lately its been quite busy, while the big two are at school and Clementine sleeps, Juniper is quiet good at playing for short periods on its own, so I might squeeze half an hour of work in here and there. It's mostly my husband and I working on it at night together when the children are sleeping.

Tell us more about Little Winnie…
After my biggest girl Coco was born I really struggled to buy sleepwear for her that I really liked, so the idea of designing children sleepwear really appealed to me. I was a bit overwhelmed with motherhood at that time so it took me another 6 years & 2 more children to start Little Winnie, but atlas the time was right and now I am so proud to be making children sleepwear that has been my dream for a long time!
Before becoming a mother did you ever expect you would become a clothing designer?
To be honest I was only 21 when I became a mother, I was so young a baby myself and I hadn't really though to much about it. I had just finished a course to be yoga teacher before I fell pregnant so I was probably thinking I was going to own my own yoga studio!!!
As your girls grow older do you see Little Winnie's collection growing with them?
Absolutely, my girls are my biggest inspiration for my sleepwear so its own natural as they grow so does my collection and style.
I get really excited about thinking where little winnie might be in the next 10 years or so!
Do your girls like to help with making print or color decisions?
I definitely like to get their opinion on colors and prints because after all they have to like what they are wearing, I also make sure they feel comfortable in the sleepwear and make sure they feel good in it. Coco is showing a big interest in the process and she is slowly and organically starting to want help out as much as she can too.
How did pregnancy affect your style? Could you tell us a few of your style and beauty essentials while expecting?
I love being pregnant but I don't necessarily feel like my style changes too much. I definitely sway to wearing looser flowing clothing and I would naturally be dressing quiet feminine, feeling empowered as a woman to be carrying new life. I just love coconut oil, I use it for everything!! My face, stretch marks, massage!!
Please tell us more about your journey in Byron Bay.
After my second daughter Autumn was born, the desire to leave the city and have more space grew larger, so we decided to pack up and head north. It is the best decision we have ever made! It is our dream lifestyle, we love nature and the great outdoors so there is always some adventure to be had, weather it be taking a bush walk, hitting the beach or chasing waterfalls!!

What does your JOSEFINA bag contain?
So much! Nappies & wipes, a spare pair of clothes for Clementine, a few toys, my wallet, lipgloss, sunglasses, hand moisturiser, snacks for Juniper and often some little winnie packages ready to take to the post office!!
Do you have an inspiring mum?
My own mother for sure! She was and is the ultimate nurturing, caring, fun, inspiring mother there is! If I could be half the mother my mother was to my sister and I, then I would be a very happy woman!